This product is a formulation made with high-grade lubricating oil embedded in a Lanolin base (Lanolin is a greasy natural wax extracted from sheep’s wool). It has been used for many centuries as a cosmetic and rust-proofing product.
Lanox contains No silicon, kerosene, acid or petroleum fuels. It is harmless to delicate metal surfaces; plastics painted or enameled finishes, fibreglass, rubber or neoprene. It does not become sticky or gum up. It does not dry out or dissolve in water.
This product is ideal where protection is required for exposed surfaces (generally metals) that are subject to corrosion. It is ideal for farming, excavation and mining machinery etc. It is also ideal to protect the couplings on your boat or caravan trailer. It is good around gas fittings and the hydraulic tilt/trim components of outboard motors, etc.
MGI194 300g Spray CanMGI192 750ml Pump PackMGI193 5L Container with Bonus 500ml Spray Applicator included